Thursday, January 21, 2010

Marriage (and Other Hazards of Dating) - Preface

Author's Note: In coming weeks (months, years, etc.), I will be posting chapters from a short humor book I'm writing titled Marriage (and Other Hazards of Dating). Installment #1 begins below...

Although this book is entitled Marriage and Other Hazards of Dating, it is not written so much for brides and grooms to be, but more for the parents, family, and friends “to be” whose lives the young couple’s decision to wed are about to destroy.

This book is their mouthpiece, providing these soon-to-be-victims-of-love a once removed venue to voice what each of them is thinking, but too afraid to share lest they offend or alienate the engaged couple (a valid concern in that the newly betrothed are an irrational, unpredictable lot prone to angry fits and sudden bouts of violent emotion).

If this volume encourages but one starry-eyed, love-struck duo to ignore their hearts and listen to that still, small voice inside their heads which is screaming “STOP!” thereby preventing them from dragging dozens of innocents through the grist mill of anguish and dread certain to follow, this author may rest in peace, knowing he has done his duty to society and mankind.

Note: because men and women have grossly, often diametrically opposite perspectives when it comes to this subject, certain chapters of this book are devoted primarily to women and others primarily to men. In either case, the goal is universal enlightenment.